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Sketch Woodland Wildlife and Habitats

Sketch Woodland Wildlife and Habitats
Come along to an outdoor art workshop to sketch nature and enjoy a little time outside this summer under the canopy of native woodland in a historic country park.

Workshop: Friday 30th August 2019 : 9am - 1pm

Sketch Woodland Wildlife and Habitats. Art Workshop London.
Sketch Woodland Wildlife and Habitats

This workshop is suitable for anyone who enjoys nature and would like to creatively record their findings in a sketchbook or nature journal.

Bring your own sketchbook, nature journal or paper, a pencil and anything else, including colours, that you would like to use to seize the spirit of the outdoors.

Nature Journaling, or Nature Sketching
Nature sketching, or journaling – it doesn’t matter how you describe it –  helps make a note of your personal thoughts and memories of the moment. It can help discover more about the local wildlife and habitats encountered outside. It can become a reference for creative or more detailed art activities later.

Get Started
Upon arriving at BEECHE (Bromley Environmental Education Centre at High Elms) for your outdoor sketching session, you will be offered refreshments and be able to meet the BEECHE Educational Team Member, who will be on site for the day.

Wildlife to Sketch
Woodland wildlife can sometimes be difficult to spot; the hedgehogs will most probably be tucked away beneath some leaves during the day, the foxes will most likely keep their distance, the varying bat species will only appear once visitors to the park have gone home and some - such as the very rare and protected dormice - will not be seen.

Before we go outside, you will have an opportunity to view and sketch natural history specimens of woodland wildlife, including mammal and bird taxidermy and skull, which you can look at more closely with magnifiers to see the detail.

Getting Outside
Outside in a nearby woodland patch, you will be able to choose the woodland views and species that catch your attention and invite your curiosity. You can create your woodland landscape sketches, record notes about plant specimens and capture chosen details that interest you - a great way to start building up your nature journal.

Look out for any woodland wildlife hiding amongst the leaves, fallen sticks and other woodland detritus and update your sketchbook with your discoveries : animals and birds, butterflies, bees and bugs inhabit the woodland of High Elms Country Park in Bromley Kent, a local nature reserve and Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).

Hedgerow Studies
During further refreshments indoors, you will have another chance to make notes on the natural history selection on display, or you might prefer to develop detail in some of the sketches from indoors earlier or outside in the woodland patch.

Following refreshments, we will explore the wildlife and plants again, this time in and around the nearby hedgerow, which will offer another habitat as a basis for sketching.

Get More Out of Your Sketchbook

Fill your woodland journal or nature sketchbook with sketches of textures and forms from pine cones to cobnuts, an assortment of leafy shapes, the delicate designs of lichen and the first stages of ripening hawthorn berries ‘haws’.

Your sketches and notes will become a visual record of your time spent at High Elms Country park, which you might like to develop with further visits and observations of nature and wildlife to be found in local parks, countryside or even your garden space, as you create a wonderful working nature journal.

Record the aspects of nature that interest you personally. Make your mark, add your note!

This workshop is the last scheduled workshop of four scheduled over the summer 

  • Friday 9th August 9:00-13:00 High Elms Pond wildlife
  • Saturday 10th August 11:00-15:00 Fruits, flowers and flyers
  • Friday 16th August 9:00-13:00 BEECHE wildlife garden
  • Friday 30th August 9:00-13:00 Woodland Habitats and Hedgerows

To book your place on the workshop or to find out more, visit BEECHE (Bromley Environmental Education Centre at High Elms):

(Bookings managed by idverde.)

Wildlife art classes, drawing and nature workshops.
Sketch woodland wildlife and habitats this summer at High Elms!

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