Fairy Bee Illustration Sketch.
This whimsical watercolour and ink painting shows the honey bee in her imaginary world, as a fairy bee. It balances efforts working on realistic scientific representations of bees and other garden wildlife and nature and more traditional fine art depictions of wildlife, with more playful imaginings of the wildlife to be found at the end of the garden.
Fairy Bee Illustration Sketch |
A few minutes looking at a bee, taking in the detail, was followed by a quick sketch to get a rough understanding the bee’s anatomy in this position.
The sketch was worked over several times to capture the legs fairly accurately but not so much as to render a more realistic bee painting. Bees’ legs are tricky little complex structures, with six legs, each with six parts, that move in various ways and
differently, according to what they are doing.
With each observation and sketch or painting, a little more understanding is gained for more detailed artwork at a later date – whether realistic or whimsical art.