Wildlife sketching and drawing.
There are many views on foxes - and rightly so, for there are many individual situations and perspectives to consider; here's one.
Sketching can extend an understanding of a subject, long after the encounter with wildlife has passed, or an observation has expired.
This quick, rough ink sketch reveals a connectivity between wildlife and human viewer (are we bridged by thoughts beyond the physical appearance?).
Her eyes often shifted between a fixed stare and a vacant gaze. She seemed to both fear and seek a little kindness each time she trotted up the garden to greet me (or perhaps she was after the food). The small vixen spent almost every hour of her last few months by the back door. She became a familiar face to the household pets who protected her by chasing away a couple of large dog foxes who often tried to steal her food. The cats worked together to provide a safe space for the vixen. They strategically sat to block access to the unwelcome visitors - guarding their little fox, who was surprisingly small and delicate.
There is a little consolation in recognising that same expression in the faces of three juveniles who continue to visit but at a distance, overseen by an adult male - who I have come to realise are Blossom's family...
Drawing and sketching wildlife.
There are many views on foxes - and rightly so, for there are many individual situations and perspectives to consider; here's one.
Fox and Bluebells in the Garden - Ink Sketch |
Wildlife in the Garden: 'Blossom' - by name and nature.
Sketching can extend an understanding of a subject, long after the encounter with wildlife has passed, or an observation has expired.
This quick, rough ink sketch reveals a connectivity between wildlife and human viewer (are we bridged by thoughts beyond the physical appearance?).
There is a little consolation in recognising that same expression in the faces of three juveniles who continue to visit but at a distance, overseen by an adult male - who I have come to realise are Blossom's family...
Drawing and sketching wildlife.