Wildlife Nature Blog
The Wildlife Trusts' Nature Challenge :
#30dayswild 2016
A quiet patch in the garden is a good place for a foxes' den!
(This sketch was done at a later date but seemed to go well with this post from the previous year.)
For more Random Acts of Wildness, search in the sidebar menu Blogs 30 Days Wild 2016 and 30 Days Wild 2018.
The Wildlife Trusts' Nature Challenge :
#30dayswild 2016
Random Acts of Wildness : 30 Days Wild :
Day 3 - Pick up Litter.
A quiet patch in the garden is a good place for a foxes' den!
A while back,
there were three cubs that regularly played in the garden, especially
at dusk - but none had been spotted until about two months ago.
Apart from the
urban foxes who go through the bins and pull the litter back out onto
the front path!
But there it
The rear quarters of a
fox, dashing past.(This sketch was done at a later date but seemed to go well with this post from the previous year.)
For more Random Acts of Wildness, search in the sidebar menu Blogs 30 Days Wild 2016 and 30 Days Wild 2018.