30 Days Wild wildlife nature blog challenge.
Today's quick blog post is about going slow with a snail.
A snail, is a snail, is a snail....this is a common garden snail. There are up to 80,000 different species of snail around the world..this one is native to the UK and Europe.
For the #30dayswild post in 2016, Nature Challenge : Go Slow with a Snail, click here.
Today's quick blog post is about going slow with a snail.
Go Slow with a Snail : 30 Days Wild Nature Challenge |
They are most likely
to be seen after the rain and especially like dark, cool, damp
places, such as beneath a flowerpot. When the weather is too hot, a
snail will move to a shady patch until it becomes cooler and, if it's too dry, they are naturally attracted to water.
Considered a pest by many gardeners, upon close inspection they are not only interesting creatures but can bear beautiful markings in natural patterns and colours, often with a glazed finish.
There is so much to discover about snails, that it really is a case of going slowly with a snail...but first some anatomical drawings to get to understand it better!